Book: “An Introduction to Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs in the Creative, Knowledge, and Design Markets.”Book: “An Introduction to Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs in the Creative, Knowledge, and Design Markets.”

Fekreno · May 20, 2024Fekreno · May 20, 2024

I’m thrilled to announce the publication of my latest book, “An Introduction to Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs in the Creative, Knowledge, and Design Markets.” Design thinking has emerged as one of the most captivating and contemporary topics in the realm of management and business, transforming the way we approach creative challenges by viewing them as ongoing processes rather than isolated activities. This methodology blends creativity with a structured approach to foster innovation, teaching not just artists but anyone engaged in design how to systematically harness their creativity to achieve remarkable outcomes.

Design thinking can be understood in various ways, often shaped by different social, geographical, and decision-making contexts. It focuses on creative systems within innovation and productivity, serving as a model that allows creative and knowledge-based businesses to integrate design into their core activities as an innovative, forward-thinking practice. This book aims to provide a concise and practical introduction to the importance of design thinking from a business and management perspective, while also offering strategic and tactical approaches to address the complex challenges of the creative and knowledge markets with a touch of innovation and entrepreneurship. The book is organized into five chapters, covering topics from the essence of design thinking to its application and the development of value-creation frameworks.
