Technological Entrepreneurship in the Urban Ecosystem

Book Chapter: Developing a Policy Framework for Technological Entrepreneurship in the Urban EcosystemBook Chapter: Developing a Policy Framework for Technological Entrepreneurship in the Urban Ecosystem

B P International · Feb 24, 2024

Book Name: Contemporary Research in Business, Management and Economics Vol. 1
ISBN (Print): 978-81-970671-4-3

Urban environments actively foster digital growth, underscoring their pivotal role in cultivating a robust digital core system. This underscores cities’ significance in establishing conducive conditions for a thriving ecosystem, encompassing access to talent, funding, spaces, locations, and markets. Cities further contribute to the formulation of mechanisms like co-investment funds, fostering collaborative risk-sharing between the public and private sectors in supporting innovative enterprises. The pervasive influence of digital technologies extends across manufacturing, consumption, and regulatory services, reshaping daily routines. This article explores a model delineating the policy imperatives for technological entrepreneurship within the urban ecosystem, drawing on insights into entrepreneurial ecosystem dynamics, the smart city paradigm, and knowledge-based development strategies.

This study explores the body of literature on ecosystems, urban ecosystems, smart cities, and knowledge-based urban development using a comparative analytical method. Each domain’s parameters are categorized in a structured way, revealing how they are related to one another in an overall structure. Studying how the problem is operationalized in academic literature and in executive settings, the paper emphasizes the city’s function as a thriving ecosystem for technology-driven entrepreneurship, requiring specific regulations for effective governance.
