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Book: A Theoretical & Practical Introduction to Innovation in Tactical Urbanism Book fekreno · Aug 12, 2021 Tactical Urbanism is a grass-root approach to urbanism however it…

Regeneration and Gentrification

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Developing an Urban Conceptual Model for Neighbourhood Regeneration and Gentrification (Study Case: Udlajan, Tehran) Abstract: The main objective of this research primarily is to frame a practical…

The New Paradigm of Work-spaces

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The New Paradigm of Work-spaces “Innovation is widely recognized as an important engine of growth. The underlying approach to innovation has been changing, shifting away from models…


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Book: “An Introduction to Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs in the Creative, Knowledge, and Design Markets.”Book: “An Introduction to Design Thinking for Entrepreneurs in the Creative, Knowledge, and…

Tactical Urbanism Approach

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From Game Mechanics to Urban Dynamics: A Tactical Urbanism Approach to Women’s Engagement in KabulFrom Game Mechanics to Urban Dynamics: A Tactical Urbanism Approach to Women’s Engagement…

Slow Tourism

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Toward a Gamified Tourist Smartphone-app to Increase “Slow Tourism” ImpactTowarda Gamified Tourist Smartphone-app to Increase “Slow Tourism” Impact “International Serious Games Symposium 2023”- The “International Serious Games…